Veldmeijer CV

Address work:

Dutch office:
PalArch Foundation, Spieregerweg 1, 7991 NE, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
Email: veldmeijer[at]



2006 – PhD vertebrate palaeontology Utrecht University: Toothed pterosaurs from the Santana Formation (Cretaceous; Aptian-Albian) of northeastern Brazil. A reappraisal on the basis of newly described material
1992 – 1996/1998 – 2000 Doctoral archaeology
1991 – 1992 Propedeutics archaeology
1982 – 1991 Secondary education (MAVO/HAVO/VWO)

Archaeological Excavations

2024  – TT 65 (Hungarian Mission; specialist leatherwork)
2024 – Ramesses II Temple Abydos (New York University; leatherwork)
2023 – Ramesses II Temple Abydos (New York University; leatherwork)
2023 – TT 65 (Hungarian Mission; specialist leatherwork)
2023 – Deir el-Bachit (specialist leatherwork/footwear)
2022 – Djehuty Project Luxor (leatherwork)
2022 – TT3 Luxor (leatherwork, basketry)
2020 – Djehuty Project Luxor (leatherwork)
2019 – IAO Hisn el Bab (specialist leatherwork)
2018 – IFAO Wadi el-Jarf (specialist leatherwork, cordage)
2017 – SNF Project Luxor (specialist leatherwork)
2014 – Abydos (specialist leatherwork/beads)
2014 – TT 65 (Hungarian Mission; specialist leatherwork)
2013 – Fustat, Egypt (specialist leatherwork)
2013 – Elephantine (specialist leatherwork)
2013 – Hierakonpolis (speclialist leatherwork)
2012 – Fustat, Egypt (specialist leatherwork)
2012 – Elephantine (specialist leatherwork)
2012 – Dra Abu el-Naga (specialist leatherwork/footwear)
2011 – KV 63 (specialist leatherwork/footwear)
2011 – Dra Abu el-Naga (specialist leatherwork/footwear)
2009 – Dra Abu el-Naga (specialist leatherwork/footwear)
2008 – Deir el-Bachit (specialist leatherwork/footwear)
2008 – Dra Abu el-Naga (specialist leatherwork/footwear)
2008 – Hierakonpolis (specialist leatherwork/footwear/cordage)
2008 – Mersa Gawasis (specialist cordage/footwear)
2007 – Amarna (specialist leatherwork)
2007 – Elephantine (specialist leatherwork)
2007 – Hierakonpolis (specialist leatherwork)
2007 – Qasr Ibrim, Egypt (specialist cordage [incl. basketry and matting], leatherwork)
2007 – Mersa Gawasis (specialist cordage and footwear)
2006 – Amarna (specialist leatherwork)
2006 – Elephantine (specialist leatherwork)
2006 – Hierakonpolis (specialist leatherwork)
2006 – Qasr Ibrim, Egypt (specialist cordage [incl. basketry and matting], leatherwork)
2005 – Qasr Ibrim, Egypt (specialist cordage [incl. basketry and matting], leatherwork)
2005 – Elephantine, Egypt (specialist leatherwork)
2004 – Qasr Ibrim, Egypt (specialist cordage [incl. basketry and matting], leatherwork)
2004 – Elephantine, Egypt (specialist leatherwork)
2003 – Sikait, Egypt (specialist cordage and leatherwork)
2003 – Qasr Ibrim, Egypt (specialist cordage [incl. basketry and matting])
2002 – Qasr Ibrim, Egypt (specialist cordage [incl. basketry and matting])
2002 – Qift, Egypt (specialist cordage, leather and containers from Berenike)
2001 – Berenike, Egypt (specialist cordage)
2000 – Berenike, Egypt (specialist cordage and logistics
1998 – Berenike, Egypt (specialist cordage)
1997 – Berenike, Egypt (specialist cordage, assistent trench supervisor)
1996 – Berenike, Egypt (specialist cordage, assistent trench supervisor)
1995 – Berenike, Egypt (specialist cordage, assistent trench supervisor)
1993 – Wynaldum, The Netherlands (registrar)
1992 – Waddenzee and Noordzee, Texel, The Netherlands (registrar)
1992 – Oss, The Netherlands (trainee)

Research Projects

2021 – 2024 Leather from Tutankhamun’s Tomb
2020-… Tutankhamun’s Boxes
2018 -… Kha’s leather objects
2018 – 2022 Tutankhamun’s Basketry
2018 -… Tutankhamun’s Weapons (incl cuirass)
2016 -… Headrests
2014-… Ancient Egyptian Beads
2013-2018 Tutankhamun’s Sticks and Staves
2013 -… Leatherwork specialist for DAIK’s Tutankhamun’s Gold Foil Project
2012 – 2014 Leatherwork and Basketry Coptic Museum Cairo
2009 – 2011 Pterosaur exhibition NMR
2009 – 2010 Footwear Italian Mission Amenhotep II Temple Luxor
2009 – 2010 Leatherwork from Gebel Adda (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto)
2008 – 2017 Leatherwork from Deir el Bachit/Dra Abu el Naga
2006 – 2018 Ancient Egyptian Leatherwork Project (AELP) – Egyptian Museum Chariot Project EMCP)
2006 – 2019 Ancient Egyptian Footwear Project (AEFP) – Archaeological Part
2006 – 2008 Cordage Mersa Gawasis, Egyptian Red Sea Coast
2005 – … Leatherwork from Hierakonpolis
2005 – 2010 Leatherwork from Amarna
2004 – 2019 Footwear in ancient Egypt (various museum collections and excavations) – Archaeological Part
2004 – 2009 Cordage in the Royal Scottish Museum
2003 – Natuur Historisch museum Rotterdam: AMNH 24444 project
2003 – Crestless pterosaur in the Kitakyushu Museum, Japan
2003 – Brazilian pterosaur in the BSP, Munich, Germany
2003 – 2016 Leatherwork from Elephantine
2003 – … Leatherwork from Qasr Ibrim
2002 – Cordage from Qasr Ibrim, Egypt
2002 – 2003 – Leatherwork from Berenike, Egypt
2002 – Brazilian pterosaurs in Stuttgart, Germany: taxonomic description and systematic classification
2002 – Brazilian pterosaurs in St. Gallen, Switzerland: taxonomic description and systematic classification
2001 – 2002 Brazilian pterosaurs in New York, taxonomic description and systematic classification
2000 – 2002 Dentition patterns in Brazilian pterosaurs
1994 – 2001 Cordage from Berenike, Egypt
1994 – 2001 Brazilian pterosaur collection NNM, Leiden: taxonomic description and systematic classification
1994 – Pterosaur collection Teylers Museum, Haarlem, the Netherlands: taxonomic description and systematic classification
1993 – 1994 Pterosaur collection NNM, Leiden, the Netherlands: taxonomic description and systematic classification
1992 – 1994 Workshop Toetanchamon, Textile Research Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands

Research Visits

2022 – Egyptian Museum Cairo (Maiherpri leatherwork)
2022 – Museo Egizio Turin (Kha leatherwork)
2019 – Grand Egyptian Museum/Egyptian Museum (TSS/Basketry/Weapons)
2018 – Schwindegg (Munich, Germany) – Experimental Archaeology
2018 – Museo Egizio Turin (basketry/textiles/footwear/leatherwork)
2018 – Grand Egyptian Museum (TSS/Basketry/Weapons)
2018 – Medelhavsmmuseet Stockholm (headrests/basketry)
2017 – Grand Egyptian Museum (TSS)
2017 – Schwindegg (Munich, Germany) – Experimental Archaeology
2015 – Stepping Through Time. Footwear in Ancient Egypt. Exhibition in Egyptian Museum, Cairo
2015 – Egyptian Museum Cairo (TSS/DAI Gold foil project)
2015 – Grand Egyptian Museum (TSS)
2014 – Egyptian Museum Cairo (AEFP/TSS/DAI Gold foil project))
2014 – Grand Egyptian Museum (TSS)
2013 – Medelhavet Museum Stockholm (footwear/leatherwork)
2013 – Egyptian Museum Cairo (AEFP & AELP)/Coptic Museum Cairo
2012 – Egyptian Museum Cairo (AEFP & AELP)/Coptic Museum Cairo
2011 – Egyptian Museum Cairo (AEFP & AELP)
2010 – Canada: Royal Ontario Museum Toronto (leatherwork)
2009 – Canada: Royal Ontario Museum Toronto (leatherwork)
2009 – Germany: Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung Berlin (Amarna leather/Byzantine leather)
2009 – Germany: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (pterosaurs)
2009 – Canada: Royal Ontario Museum Toronto (AELP)/USA: Metropolitan Museum of Arts New York (AELP)
2009 – Egyptian Museum Cairo (AEFP & AELP)
2008 – Egyptian Museum Cairo (AEFP)
2007 – Germany: Ägyptisches Musem und Papyrussammlung Berlin (Amarna leather)
2007 – Great Britain: British Museum London/Petrie Museum London/McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Cambridge/University of Cambridge (Qasr Ibrim leather/AEFL/AEFP)
2007 – Egyptian Museum Cairo (AEFP)
2006 – Germany: Ägyptisches Musem und Papyrussammlung Berlin (Amarna leather)
2006 – USA: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York/Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/The Oriental Institute Museum, Chicago (AEFP & AELP)
2006 – Great Britain: British Museum London/McDonald Institute Cambridge/University of Cambridge (AEFP)
2005 – Great Britain: McDonald Institute Cambridge/University of Cambridge/British Museum London/Petrie Museum London/Ashmolean Museum Oxford/World Museum Liverpool (AEFP)
2005 – Germany: Ägyptisches Musem und Papyrussammlung Berlin/Heidelberg Ägyptologisches Institut der Universität/Hildesheim Roemer-Pelizaeus-Museum (AEFP)
2005 – Germany: Munich, Bayerische Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, Munich (Brazilian pterosaurs)
2005 – Switzerland: St. Gallen (Brazilian pterosaurs)
2004 – Great Britain: McDonald Institute Cambridge/University of Cambridge/Sedgwick Museum Cambridge/British Museum/Petrie Museum London/National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh/Southampton (cordage, basketry, matting, leather Qasr Ibrim)
2003 – Great Britain: McDonald Institute Cambridge/University of Cambridge/Sedgwick Museum Cambridge/British Museum of Natural History Londen (cordage, basketry, matting, leather Qasr Ibrim/pterosaurs)
2003 – Japan: National Science Museum, Tokyo/Iwaki Museum of Coal Mining & Fossils, Iwaki/Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, Odawara/Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History & Human History, Kitakyushu/Gunma Museum of Natural History, Gunma (Brazilian pterosaurs)
2003 – Turkey: Underwater Museum Bodrum (logistics Berenike)
2003 – Turkish Republic of North Cyprus: Shipwreck Museum Girne (Kyrenia) (logistics Berenike).
2002 – Germany: Bayerische Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, Munich (Brazilian pterosaurs)
2002 – Brazil: Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro (Brazilian pterosaurs)
2002 – Switzerland: St. Gallen (Brazilian pterosaurs)
2002 – Germany: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart (Brazilian pterosaurs)
2001 – USA: American Museum of Natural History New York (Brazilian pterosaurs)
2001 – USA: University of California Los Angeles (logistics Berenike)
2001 – Germany: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart (Brazilian pterosaurs)
1998 – Germany: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe/Bayerische Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und  historische Geologie, Munich/Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart (Brazilian pterosaurs)
1998 – Germany: Mainz (ct scan ptersaur skull)
1997 – Great Britain: British Museum of Natural History London (pterosaurs)

Teaching and Training

Cairo Semester (Archaeology in the Field) for curriculum Leiden and Leuven University (see

Workshop Archaeological Drawing (NVIC)
Training ‘Researching Museum Collections: Coptic Museum’ (see

Other Projects

Munro Archive (Management and Development, incl. Website)


Co-curator Bata Shoe Museum Toronto 2016-2017
Visiting Research Scholar American University in Cairo (2014-…)
Assistant Director for Egyptology Netherlands Flemish Institute Cairo (NVIC) 2011-2014
Chairman PalArch Foundation
Managing editor webbased Netherlands scientific journal
Member Editorial Production Board Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections
Co-opted Member Committee Archaeological Leather Group 2010-2014
Honorary researcher Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam
Referee Palaeontology (palaeontology journal)
Elsevier Editorial System Journal of Archaeological Science
Director Ancient Egyptian Footwear Project
Co-director Ancient Egyptian Leatherwork Project (including Egyptian Museum Chariot Project)
Co-director Tutankhamun’s Sticks & Staves Project

Financial Support

Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) (2003)
Jan Joost ter Pelkwijk Fonds (1998, 2002)
Stichting Molengraaff Fonds (1998, 2002)
National Museum of Natural History Leiden (1998)
Mej. A.M. Buitendijk Fonds (2002)
Fam. J. Endenburg, Texel (2002)

Michela Schiff Giorgini Foundation (2008, 2019)
Friends of Saqqara (2018)
Mehen Studiecentrum voor het oude Egypte (2013, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023, 2024)
Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz (2014)
Antiquities Endowment Fund (ARCE) (2013-2017)
Nuffic Tailor Made Training (2012)
Huis van Horus (2012, 2022)
Antiquities Endowment Fund (ARCE) (2010-2012)
American University in Cairo (2009)
Amarna Trust (2007)
Centenary Award EES (2006)
Fam. J. Endenburg, Texel (2005/2008)
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) (2005)
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) (2004)
Egypt Exploration Society (Cambridge) (2003)
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (2002)
Reike Hamaker Fonds (1996)
Leids Universitair Fonds (1995)

Publications Archaeology
(marked with * are peer reviewed works)

Leatherwork (Excluding Leather Footwear)

Skinner, L. & A.J. Veldmeijer. In Press. Green is the New Blue: Coloured Leather in Ancient Egypt – An Archaeometric Approach. In: Yvanez, E. & C. Brons. Eds. ##. – Brepols.

Veldmeijer & Ikram. 2024. Leather: An Integral Part of Chariots. In: Raulwing, P., S. Burmeister, G. Brownrigg & K.M. Linduff. Chariots in Antiquity: Essays in Honour of Joost Crouwel. – Oxford, BAR Publishing: 61-65.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2024. Een schat aan leer uit een tempel magazijn (Ramses II, Abydos): Eerste observaties. – Ta-Merry 16: 6-19.

2023. Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. Puzzling Leather Objects from Temple Magazines. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 58: 15-20.

2022. Veldmeijer, A.J., S. Ikram & L. Skinner. The Leather from the Tomb of Kha & Merit: Some Observations. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 56: 10-15.

Veldmeijer, A.J., T. Hulit, L.-A. Skinner & S. Ikram. 2022. Tutankhamun’s Cuirass Reconsidered. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux 48 (2020-2021): 125-156.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2021. Leather Items from Various Use Phases at TT95. In: Loprieno-Gnirs, A. Ed. Life Histories of Theban Tombs. Transdisciplinary Investigations of a Cluster of Rock-Cut Tombs at Sheikh ‘Abd al-Qurna. – Cairo, The American University in Cairo Press (AUC Press Archaeological Reports): 109-111.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2021. Strijdwagens in het oude Egypte: het Tanoleer. In: Mehen. Essays over het oude Egypte: 214-233.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & L. Skinner. 2019. Nubian Leatherwork. In: Raue, D. Ed. Handbook of Ancient Nubia. – Berlin, De Gruyter: 491-510.

Veldmeijer, A.J., S. Ikram & T. Hulit. 2021. Door leer beschermd. Toetanchamons kuras. – Metier 14: 44-49.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2019. Several entries: Leather, Footwear, Head-rests, Basketry and Cordage, Clothing, Beads [with Jolanda Bos}. In: Sabbahy, L. Ed. All Things Egyptian: An Encyclopedia of the Ancient Egyptian World. – Greenswood, ABC-Clio.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2018. Moreno García’s (2017) “Leather Processing, Castor Oil and Desert/Nubian Trade at the Turn of the 3rd/2nd Millennium BC Some Speculative Thoughts on Egyptian Craftsmanship”. – A Response. – Göttinger Miszellen 256: 183-188.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2018. Leather work in ancient Egypt. – Encyclopedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-western cultures (updated edition).

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2016. Lederwaren. In: Falko Daim (Hrsg.), Byzanz. Historisch-kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch. Der Neue Pauly, Supplemente, 2. Staffel Band 11. – Stuttgart, Weimar:  387-391.

Skinner, L. & A.J. Veldmeijer. 2015. Skin Deep: The Beautiful Leather of the Nubians at Hierakonpolis. – Nekhen News 27: 19-21.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2014. Why Leather in Ancient Egyptian Chariots? In: Harris, S. & A.J. Veldmeijer. 2014. Why Leather. The Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (browse free online:

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2013. Leatherwork from IFAO’s Mission to Fustat. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 37: 8-9.

Veldmeijer, A.J., S. Ikram & L. Skinner. 2013. Charging Chariots: Progress Report on the Tano Chariot in the Egyptian Museum Cairo. In: Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. Eds. Chasing Chariots. Proceedings of the First International Chariot Conference (Cairo, 2012). – Leiden, Sidestone Press: 257-271.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2012. Leatherwork from Dra Abu el-Naga: Some First Observations. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 36: 9-11.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & W. Hupperetz. 2012. Making A Shield in Ptolemaic Times? – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 35: 15.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2012. De strijdwagen in het oude Egypte: een overzicht van de verschillende aspecten. – Archeologie Magazine 3:  50-54.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2012. Fit for a pharaoh. Ancient Egyptian chariot leather. – Current World Archaeology 52: 36-38.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. With contributions by L. Skinner. 2012.  Preliminary Report of the Egyptian Museum Chariot Project (EMCP). –  Bulletin of the American Research Center in Egypt: 7-11.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2011. What’s in a Stitch. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 34: 16-19.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2010. Leather. In: Kemp, B.J. & A.K. Stevens. 2010. Busy Lives at Amarna: Excavations in the Main City (Grid 12 and the House of Ranefer, N49.18). Volume II: The Objects. – London, Egypt Exploration Society/Cambridge, Amarna Trust: 205-212.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2010. Gebel Adda’s leatherwork in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. – Friends of Ancient Egypt Newsletter. Winter 2010: no pp numbers.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2010. Enigmatic sinew cordage objects from Roman Qasr Ibrim. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 31: 8-12

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2009. The leatherwork from Deir el-Bachit: preliminary report. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 29: 5-8.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2009. Note on the possible relation between shoes and chariots. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 29: 11-12.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2009. Leer in faraonisch Egypte. – Archeologie Magazine 4: 40-43

* Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2009. Ancient Egyptian leather chariot casing. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 30: 8-9.

* Veldmeijer, A.J. 2008. The leatherwork from Deir el-Bakhit: preliminary report. – Antiguo Oriente: 225-232.

* Veldmeijer, A.J. 2008. Leatherwork. – UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, Los Angeles (

* Veldmeijer, A.J. & J. Laidler. 2008. Leather work in ancient Egypt. – Encyclopedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-western cultures: 1215-1220.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2007. The World of Leather. – Nekhen News 19: 24.

* Veldmeijer, A.J. 2007. Preliminary report on the leatherwork from Roman Berenike, Egyptian Red Sea Coast (1994-2000). – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 1, 1: 1-36.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & E. Endenburg. 2007. Amarna leatherwork in the Berlin Museum. – Egyptian Archaeology 31: 36-37.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S.M. van Roode. 2005. An enigmatic piece of leather from Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast). – Göttinger Miszellen 204: 95-98 (+ figures).

* S.M. van Roode & A.J. Veldmeijer. 2005. Leather from Qasr Ibrim. Preliminary Notes of the First Season. In: Roode, van, S.M. Ed. 2005. The PalArch Foundation’s proceedings of the Annual Flemish-Netherlands Egyptologists Meeting 2004. – PalArch, proceedings 1, 2: 4-5.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S.M. van Roode. 2004. An Enigmatic Piece of Leather from Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast). In: IXe Congres International de Egyptologues Grenoble, September 2004. Abstracts of papers: 121.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S.M. van Roode. 2004. (Poster) An Enigmatic Piece of Leather from Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast). IXe Congres International de Egyptologues Grenoble, September 2004.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & L. Skinner. Submitted. [The Harp’s Related Skin Products]. In: Emerit, S. Ed. Dra’ Abu el-Naga V: The Harps of Dra’ Abu el-Naga: Archaeological Studies. – Wiesbaden, Harrasowitz.


2023. On the presence of one sandal…. – Horizon 23: 11-14.

In Press. ‘The Sandal Fragment’. In: Martin, G.T. The Royal Tomb of Horemheb in the Valley of the Kings: A Re-Investigation.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2022. De kunst van het maken: Schoenen. – Metier 17: 18-23.

Submitted. Footwear. In: Dorman, P. [MMA excavations Sheikh Abd el Qurna].

2021. If the Shoe Fits. Footwear in Ancient Egypt. – Rawi. Egypt’s Heritage Review (Egypt’s Costume Review): 24-27.

2019. Chaussures et sandales. In: Connor S. & Laboury D. Eds. Toutankhamon : à la découverte du pharaon oublié. Liège : Presses Universitaires – Europa Expo.

2017. “Sandales”. In: Gaber, H. Centenaire des fouilles et recherches françaises à Deir el-Médina (1917-2017): 92-95.

2015. Ik heb jouw vijanden onder jouw sandalen geplaatst: het schoeisel van een farao. In: Mehen. Essays over het oude Egypte: 6-25.

2014. Footwear. In: O’Connell, E.R. Ed. Catalogue of British Museum objects from The Egypt Exploration Fund’s 1913/14 excavation at Antinoupolis, with contributions by Amelia Dowler, Frances Pritchard, Ross I. Thomas and André J. Veldmeijer. In: Pintaudi, R. Ed. Antinoupolis II: Scavi e material. – Firenze, Istituto papirologico “G. Vitelli.”: pp. 475-479.

2013. Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear. Technological Aspects. Part XVIII. Fibre Composite Sandals. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux 44: 85-115.

2013. Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear. Technological Aspects. Part  Part XIII. Side-Covering Leather Sandals. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux 44: 49-59.

2013. Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear. Technological Aspects. Part XIX. Mules. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux: 79-84.

2013. Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear. Technological Aspects. Part XVII. Leather Stubbed-Toe Ankle Shoes. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux: 44: 61-77.

2012. Tutankhamun’s open shoes 270a. – Archaeology Times Online Magazine 3: 152-155.

*2011. Ptolemaic footwear from the Amenhotep II temple at Luxor. – Journal of the American Research Centre in Egypt 47: 319-334.

* 2011. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part XIV. Leather eared sandals. – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 8, 5: 1-31.

2011. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part VIII. Fibre, coiled sandals. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux 43: 57-68.

2010. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part XI. Sewn-edge plaited sandals. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux 42: 79-124.

2010. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part V. Fibre shoes from Qasr Ibrim. In: Godlewski, W. & A. Lajtar. Eds. Between the cataracts. Proceedings of the 11th conference of Nubian studies, Warsaw University, 27 August-2 September 2006. Part two. Fascicule 1. Session papers.  – Warsaw, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (Supplement Volume 4/5): 299-308.

2010. Toetanchamon, zijn ontdekker en zijn schoeisel. II. – Archeologie Magazine 1: 6-10.

2009. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part XVI: Additional pair of leather open shoes. – Journal of the American Research Centre in Egypt 45: 233-245.

2009. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part VI. Sewn sandals. – In: Ikram, S. & A. Dodson. Eds. 2009. Beyond the horizon: studies in archaeology, art, and history in honour of Barry J. Kemp. – Cairo, Supreme Council of Antiquities: 554-580.

-. 2009. Toetanchamon, zijn ontdekker en zijn schoeisel. I. – Archeologie Magazine 6: 6-10.

* 2009. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part VII. Coiled sewn sandals. – British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 14: 85-96 (online at:

* 2009 Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part XII. Fibre shoes. – British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 14: 97-129 (online at:

* 2009. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part X. Leather Composite Sandals. – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 6, 9: 1-27.

* 2009. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part XV. Leather curled-toe ankle shoes. – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 6, 4: 1-21 (online at

2009. Schoeisel in Qasr Ibrim. – Archeologie Magazine 2: 20-22.

* 2009. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part XVI. Leather open shoes. – British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 11: 1-10 (online at:

2009. Note on the possible relation between shoes and chariots. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 29: 11-12.

2008/9. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part III. Leather or string reinforced plaited sandals from Qasr Ibrim. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux 41: 105-126.

2008/9. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part IV. Plain plaited sandals from Qasr Ibrim. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux 41: 127-150.

* 2008. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part II. Wooden pattens from Ottoman Qasr Ibrim. – Journal of the American Research Centre in Egypt 42: 147-152.

* 2008. Ancient Egyptian footwear project: preliminary results of Tutankhamun’s footwear. In: Kousoulis, P. 2008. Abstracts of papers Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists, Rhodes 22-29 May 2008: 259-260.

2007. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part I. Cordage footwear from Qasr Ibrim. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux (2006-2007): 61-75.

2007. Schoeisel in faraonisch Egypte. Van plantaardige sandalen tot modieuze leren schoenen. – Archeologie Magazine: 48-53.


Cartwright, C.R. & A.J. Veldmeijer. 2017. Scanning Electron Microscope Identification of Plant Material Used in Ancient Egyptian Footwear. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente lux 46: 93-119.

Morshed, Nagm el Deen & A.J. Veldmeijer. 2015.  Conserving, Reconstruction and Displaying Tutankhamun’s Sandals: the GEM-CC’s Procedure. – Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux 45: 93-107.

-. & L. Skinner. 2008. Note on Pharaonic leather shoes in the Egyptian Museum Cairo. – Archaeological Leather Group Newsletter 28: 4-5.

-. & E. Endenburg. 2008. Footwear in Qasr Ibrim. – Egyptian Archaeology 33: 18-20.

Sticks & Staves

2022. Veldmeijer, A.J. Appliqué-decoratie van de lotusvormige staf. – Metier 18: 48-53.

2021. Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. Walk the Line: Sticks and Staves from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. In: Mehen. Essays over het oude Egypte: 8-23.

2020. Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. Leather is Everywhere! Tutankhamun’s Sticks and Leather. – Newsletter Archaeological Leather Group 51: 13-17.

2020. Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. Tutankhamun’s Sticks and Staves Project. – The Scribe (Spring): 8-13.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2019. Bâtons et cannes. In: Connor S. & Laboury D. Eds. Toutankhamon : à la découverte du pharaon oublié. Liège : Presses Universitaires – Europa Expo.

Veldmeijer, A.J., S. Ikram & C. Bronkhorst. 2013. Koninklijke stokken en staven. Toetanchamon’s verzameling. – Archeologie Magazine: 52-55.

Submitted. Veldmeijer, A.J., S. Ikram & N. Brown. Tutankhamun’s Sticks and Staves. In: Tawfik, T. Eds. [Proceedings International Tutankhamun Conference GEM].

Submitted. Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. Bull’s Eye! Bows from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. In: Tawfik, T. Eds. [Proceedings International Tutankhamun Conference GEM].

Basketry and Cordage

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2021. De kunst van het maken: manden. – Metier 15: 30-35.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2019. La vannerie. In: Connor S. & Laboury D. Eds. Toutankhamon : à la découverte du pharaon oublié. Liège : Presses Universitaires – Europa Expo.

2009. The carrier net of Senmut’s parents (Egyptian Museum Cairo JE 66242). – Egyptian Museum Newsletter 5: 5.

* 2009. Cordage production.- UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, Los Angeles (

2009. Touwwerk- en produktie in het oude Egypte. – Archeologie Magazine 3: 6-9.

* 2008. The cordage from Berenike (1994-2000 seasons): the statistics. – Antiguo Oriente 6: 35-94.

2007. Studies of ancient Egyptian footwear. Technological aspects. Part I. Cordage footwear from Qasr Ibrim.- Jaarberichten Ex Oriente Lux (2006-2007): 61-75.

* 2006. Knots, archaeologically encountered: a case study of the material from the Ptolemaic and Roman harbour at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast) – Studien zur Altagyptischen Kultur 35: 337-366.

2006. Ropes. In: Fattovich, R. & K.A. Bard. Eds. Mersa/Wadi Gawasis 2006-07.

* 2006. The cordage from the 2001-season of the excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast): preliminary results. – Antiguo Oriente 4.

2006. A lot of old rope. Cordage at HK43. In: Friedman, R. Ed. 2006. Nekhen News. Published for the Friends of Nekhen 18: 25.

* 2005. Identifiable and associated cordage. Examples from Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast). – Antiguo Oriente 3: 65-87.

* 2005. Archaeologically attested cordage. Terminology on the basis of the material from Ptolemaic Roman Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea coast). – Eras 7 (online journal Monash University).

2005. ‘Knotless’ netting in ancient Egypt. A reappraisal on the basis of archaeologically attested material from Berenike and Qasr Ibrim. – Göttinger Miszellen 206: 91-102.

* 2004. Fishing nets from Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast). – Trabajos de Egiptología 3: 101-112.

2003. Egyptian archaeological cordage. – Knotting matters 78: 28-35.

* 1999. The cordage. In: Sidebotham, S.E. & W.Z. Wendrich. Eds. 1999. Report of the 1997 excavations at Berenike and the survey of the Egyptian Eastern Desert, including excavations at Shenshef. – Leiden, Centre of Non-Western Studies (CNWS Publications, special series no. 4): 257-276.

1998. The cordage. In: Sidebotham, S.E. & W.Z. Wendrich. Eds. 1998. Berenike ’96, report of the excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast) and the survey of the Eastern Desert. – Leiden, Centre of Non-Western Studies (CNWS Publications, special series no. 3): 237-252.


-. & C. Zazzaro. 2009. Ancient Ship Riggings: A Frozen Moment in Time. In: Bard, K., R. Fattovich, A. Manzo & R. Pirelli. Eds. 2009. Catalogue of the Exhibition Mersa/Wadi Gawasis. A Pharaonic Harbor on the Red Sea. Cairo, December 6, 2009 – January 21, 2010:11.

* -. & J.D. Bourriau. 2009. The Carrier Nets from a Burial at Qurna. – Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 95: 209-222, pl. IV-V.

* -. & C. Zazzaro. With contributions by C.R. Cartwright, A.J. Clapham and F. Hagen. 2008. The “Rope Cave” at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis. – Journal of the American Research Centre in Egypt 44: 9-39.

* -. & C. Zazzaro. 2008. The “Rope Cave” at Mersa Gawasis. In: Kousoulis, P. 2008. Abstracts of papers Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists, Rhodes 22-29 May 2008: 260.

Bard, K., R. Fattovich & -. 2008. ‘De prachtige dingen van Punt’. Mersa Gawasis, een oude Egyptische haven aan de Rode Zee. – Archeologie Magazine 1: 54-59.

* -. & C. Zazzaro. 2007. The Rope Cave at Mersa Gawasis: a preliminary report. – Antiguo Oriente 5: 243-247.

-. & S.M. van Roode. 2004. Carrier netting from the Ptolemaic Roman harbour town of Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast). – Antiguo Oriente 2: 9-25.

Wendrich, W.Z. & -. 1996. Cordage and basketry. In: Sidebotham & Wendrich. Eds. 1996. – Berenike ’95, preliminary report of the excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Red Sea Coast) and the survey of the Eastern Desert. – Leiden, Centre of Non-Western Studies (CNWS Publications, special series no. 2): 269-296.


Veldmeijer, A.J., S. Ikram, G. Killen & M. Slingenberg. 2022. Hoe een koning zijn spullen bewaart voor de eeuwigheid. Voorraadkisten in het graf van Toetanchamon. – Ta-Merry 14: 6-17.


Veldmeijer, A.J. & A. Dickey. In Press. The Study of Organics. In: Lacovara, P. & S. D’Auria. Eds. Methods and Aims in Egyptian Archaeology. – Columbus, Lockwood Press.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2024. Archives and Artefacts: Studying Objects from Tutankhamun’s Tomb. – Sousa, R., G. Pieke & T. Bagh. Eds. Tutankhamun and Carter.
Assessing the Impact of a Major Archaeological Find. – Oxford, Oxbow Books: 1-9.

Veldmeijer, 2024. Strijdwagens. – Metier Zomer 2024: 72-79.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2023. Samengestelde bogen uit het oude Egypte. – Metier Lente 2023: 6-13.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2019. Les armes. In: Connor S. & Laboury D. Eds. Toutankhamon : à la découverte du pharaon oublié. Liège : Presses Universitaires – Europa Expo.

Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. 2019. Les chars. In: Connor S. & Laboury D. Eds. Toutankhamon : à la découverte du pharaon oublié. Liège : Presses Universitaires – Europa Expo.

2019. De kunst van het maken. Ambachten in het oude Egypte. – Metier.

Translation. 2014. Muziek en muzikanten in het oude Egypte. II. – Archeologie Magazine. Original by S. Emerit.

Translation. 2013. Muziek en muzikanten in het oude Egypte. I. – Archeologie Magazine. Original by S. Emerit.

Translation. 2013. Het lang-vergeten werk van Frédéric Cailliaud. – Archeologie Magazine. Original by A. Bednarski.

Translation. 2011. Survey van de Noord-Kharga Oasis: een overzicht. – Archeologie Magazine. Original by S. Ikram & C. Rossi.

Translation. 2011. Het Coptische klooster Deir el-Bakhit in Thebe, Luxor. – Archeologie Magazine 2. Original by I. Eichner.

Translation. 2010. Diermummies in het oude Egypte. ‘Animal Mummy Project’ belicht een van de grootste verzamelingen. – Archeologie Magazine 5: 6-10.

Pyke, G. & -. 2008. Egypte’s pruikentijd. – Archeologie Magazine 6: 6-10.

Translation. 2008. ‘Life on the frontier’: het Ottomaanse garisoen in Qasr Ibrim, Egyptisch Nubië. – Archeologie Magazine 4: 62-65. Original by P.J. Rose.

Translation. 2006. De wieg van het koningschap. – Archeologie Magazine 6: 6-10 [see also 2007-1: 5]. Original by R. Friedman.


2024. Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. Let a Cow-Skin be Brought. Armour, Chariots and Other Leather Remains from Tutankhamun’s Tomb. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (free online reading:

2022. Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. With a Contribution by L. Kubiak-Martens. The Basketry from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. Catalogue and Analysis. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (free online reading:

2019. The Ancient Egyptian Footwear Project. Final Archaeological Analysis. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (

2018. Veldmeijer, A.J. & S. Ikram. Eds. With contributions by Ole Herslund, Lisa Sabbahy & Lucy Skinner. Chariots in Ancient Egypt. The Tano Chariot, A Case Study. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (free online reading:

2017. Sailors, Musicians and Monks: The Leatherwork from Dra Abu el-Naga. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (free online reading:

2014/2017. Footwear in Ancient Egypt: the Medelhavsmuseet collection (including Catalogue). – (2014)/Zandvoort, Blikveld Uitgevers (2017).

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2016. With Contributions by F. Arnold & C. von Pilgrim. Leatherwork from Elephantine (Aswan, Egypt). Analysis and Catalogue of the Ancient Egyptian & Persian Leather Finds. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (free online reading:

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2016. Excavations of Gebel Adda (Lower Nubia). Ancient Nubian Leatherwork Part I: Sandals and Shoes. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (free online reading:

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2016. Stepping through Time: Footwear in Ancient Egypt/خطوات عبر الزمن: الأحذية في مصر القديمة. – Zandvoort, Blikveld Uitgevers (bilingual Arabic/English).

Veldmeijer, A.J. & Salima Ikram. 2014. Catalogue of the Footwear in the Coptic Museum (Cairo). – Leiden, Sidestone Press (free online reading:

Harris, S. & A.J. Veldmeijer. 2014. Why Leather. The Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (free online reading:

Veldmeijer, A.J. & Salima Ikram. Eds. 2013. Chasing Chariots. Proceedings of the First International Chariot Conference (Cairo, 2012). – Leiden, Sidestone Press (free online reading:

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2012.  With a chapter by Pamela J. Rose. Leatherwork from Qasr Ibrim. Part I. Footwear from the Ottoman Period. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (free online reading:

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2011. With contributions by: A.J. Clapham, E. Endenburg, A. Gräzer, F. Hagen, J.A. Harrell, M.H. Kriek, P.T. Nicholson, J.M. Ogden & G. Vogelsang-Eastwood. Tutankhamun’s Footwear. Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (republished 2010 volume: For online reading:

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2011. Amarna’s Leatherwork. Part I. Preliminary Analysis and Catalogue. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (republished 2010 volume: For online reading:

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2011. Sandals, Shoes and Other Leatherwork from the Coptic Monastery Deir el-Bachit. Analysis and Catalogue. – Leiden, Sidestone Press ( For online reading:

In preparation. Leatherwork from Qasr Ibrim. Volume II. Pharaonic to Christian times.

In preparation. Leatherwork from Fustat.

Publications Vertebrate Palaeontology

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2006. Toothed pterosaurs from the Santana Formation (Cretaceous; Aptian-Albian) of northeastern Brazil. A reappraisal on the basis of newly described material. – Thesis, Utrecht University (

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2005. Pterosauriërs uit Brazilië, een overzicht van de soorten met een gebit. – Straatgras 17, 3: 45-48.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2004. Een fossiel van een vliegend reptiel en zijn onderzoeker. – Straatgras 16, 1: 11-12.

*Veldmeijer, A.J. 2003. Coloborhynchus spielbergi sp.nov. (Pterodactyloidea) from the Albian (Lower Cretaceous) of Brazil. – Scripta Geologica, 125: 35-139.

*Veldmeijer, A.J. 2003. Preliminary description of a skull and wing of a Brazilian Lower Cretaceous (Santana Formation; Aptian-Albian) pterosaur (Pterodactyloidea) in the collection of the AMNH. – PalArch, series vertebrate palaeontology 0, 0: 1-13.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2003. CT-scanning a pterosaur skull; supplement to the  description of Coloborhynchus spielbergi in Scripta Geologica, 2003, 125: 35-139. – webbased publication, including film.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2003.  De Krijt pterosauriër Coloborhynchus spielbergi in Naturalis. –

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2003. Pterosauriërs in de media. – Grondboor & Hamer, februari 2003: 1-9.

*Veldmeijer, A.J. 2002. Pterosaurs from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil in the Stuttgart Collection. – Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde B 327: 1-27.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2000. Over waarom men pterosauriërs voor uitgestorven vleermuizen aanziet en of dit begrijpelijk is of niet. – Cranium 17, 1: 17-29.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 1998. The Leiden specimen of Coloborhynchus (Pterosauria). In: Jagt, et al., eds., 1998. – Maastricht, Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht: 69.

Veldmeijer, A.J. 1995. Vliegende reptielen: een kennismaking. – Teylers Magazijn. 47: 8-12.


* -, M. Signore & H.J.M. Meijer. 2009. Description of pterosaurian (Pterodactyloidea) remains from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil. – Deinsea 13: 9-40.

* -, H.J.M. Meijer & M. Signore. 2006. Coloborhynchus from the Lower Cretaceous Santana Formation, Brazil (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea, Anhangueridae); an update. – PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 3, 2: 15-29.

* -, M. Signore & E. Bucci. 2006. Predator-prey interaction of Brazilian Cretaceous toothed pterosaurs: a case example. In: Elewa, A.M.T. 2006. Predation in organisms. A distinct phenomenon. – Heidelberg, Springer Verlag: 295-308.

* -, M. Signore & H.J.M. Meijer. 2005 (published in 2006). Description of two pterosaur (Pterodactyloidea) mandibles from the Lower Cretaceous Santana Formation, Brazil. – Deinsea 11: 67-86.

-, M. Signore & H.J.M. Meijer. 2005. Brasileodactylus (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea, Anhangueridae); an update. – Cranium 22, 1: 45-56.

Campos, H.B.N. & -. 2005. A new pterosaur specimen from the Santana Fromation, Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil. – Paleo 2005. Reunião Anual Regional da Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia, IIhéus, Bahia (16 a 17 de Dezembro de 2005), resumos: 6.

-, M. Signore & H.J.M. Meijer. 2004. Two Pteranodontid humeri from the Cambridge Greensands; a reinterpretation. – Book of abstracts SVPCA/SPPC meeting Leicester 2004.

* -. & A.M. Hense. 2004. Supplement to: Pterosaurs from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil in the Stuttgart collection, in: Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie) 2002, 327: 1-27. – PalArch, series vertebrate palaeontology 1, 3: 15-21.


Veldmeijer, A.J., M. Witton & I. Nieuwland. 2012. Pterosaurs. Flying Contemporaries of the Dinosaurs. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (

Veldmeijer, A.J. & M. Witton. With contributions by I. Nieuwland. 2011. Pterosauriërs. Vliegende tijdgenoot van de dinosauriërs. – Leiden, Sidestone Press (

Veldmeijer, A.J. 2010. Ptero’s boven Rotterdam. Vliegende reptielen uit de oertijd. – Norg, DrukWare

Publications Book reviews

2009. Book review of: Roder, H. Ed. 2008. Schuhtick. Von kalten Fussen un Heissen Sohlen. (Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern). – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 4(2).

2009. Book review of: Verhagen, A. & D. Mol. 2009. De Groote Wielen: er was eens…Wie woonden er in De Groote Wielen in de IJstijd? (Norg, DrukWare). – PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 6(5).

2008. Book review of: Mol, D., W. van Logchem, K. van Hooijdonk and R. Bakker. 2007. De sabeltandtijger uit de Noordzee (Norg, DrukWare). – PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 5(2): 14-16.

2008. Book review of: Parkinson, R. 2008. The painted tomb-chapel of Nebamun. Masterpieces of ancient Egyptian art in the British Museum (London, The British Museum). – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 5(2): 4-5.

2007. Book review of: Kite, M. & R. Thomson. 2006. Conservation of leather and related materials. (Amsterdam, Elsevier). – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 2.

2007. Book review of: Hellenbarth, J. 2006. Gräber und Tempel. Archäologische Stätten in Oberägypten und Nubien. 2007. (Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern [calender]). – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 1.

2007. Book review of: Strudwick, N. 2006. Masterpieces of Ancient Egypt. (London, The British Museum Press). – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 1.

2007. Book review of: Wedel, C. 2005. Nofretete und das Geheimnis von Amarna. (Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern [Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie]). – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 1.

2006. Book review of: Peacock, J. 2005. Shoes. The Complete Sourcebook. (Londen, Thames & Hudson). – PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 4.

2006. Book review of: Sliggers et al. 2005. Dino’s en draken. Fossielen in mythen en volksgeloof. (Bussum, Uitgeverij Thoth). – PalArch, book reviews.

2006. Book review of: Dodson, A. & D. Hilton. 2004. The complete royal families of ancient Egypt. (London, Thames & Hudson). – PalArch, book reviews.

2006. Book review of: Daubert, S. & C. Daubert. 2006. Threads from the web of life. Stories in natural history. (Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press). – PalArch, book reviews.

2005. Book review of: Parker, S. 2003. Dinosaurus. The complete guide to dinosaurs. (London, Quinted Publishing Ltd). – PalArch, book reviews.

2005. Book review of: Bord, J. 2004. Footprints in stone. Imprints of giants, heroes, holy people, devils, monsters and supernatural beings. (Wymeswold, Heart of Albion Press). – PalArch, book reviews.

2004. Book review of: Hilton, R.P. 2003. Dinosaurs and other Mesozoic reptiles of California. (Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, University of California Press). – PalArch, book reviews.

2004. Book review of: Halbertsma, R.B. 2003. Scholars, travellers and trade. The pioneer years of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, 1818-1840. (London, Routledge). – PalArch, book reviews.

2004. Book review of: Clottes, J. Ed. 2003. Return to Chauvet cave. Excavating the birthplace of art. The first full report. (London, Thames & Hudson). – PalArch, book reviews.

2003. Book review of: Oosterink, H., W. Berkelder, Ch. de Jong, J. Lankamp & H. Winkelhorst. 2003. Sauriërs uit de Onder-Muschelkalk van Winterswijk. (Staringia 11, Maastricht, Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging). – PalArch, book reviews.

2003. Book review of: Benton, M.J. 2003. When life nearly died. The greatest mass extinction of all time. (London, Thames & Hudson). – PalArch, book reviews.

2003. Book review of: Lessem, D. (illustrations by J. Bindon), 2003. The dinosaur atlas. (USA, Firefly Books). – PalArch, book reviews.

2003. Book review of: Cook, M. 2004. A brief history of the human race. (London, Granta Books). – PalArch, book reviews.


-. & M. Signore. 2005. Book review of: Buffetaut, E. & J.-M. Mazin. 2003. Evolution and palaeobiology of pterosaurs. (London, Geological Society Special publications 217). – PalArch, book reviews.

Meijer, H.J.M. & -. 2006. Book review of: Unwin, D.M. 2005. The Pterosaurs from Deep Time. (New York, Pi Press). – PalArch’s Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology 4, 1.

Publications PalArch Foundation

-. 2007. and electronic publishing in Egyptology. – Göttinger Miszellen 212: 107-118.

-. Ed. 2006. The PalArch Foundation’s proceedings of the Annual Flemish-Netherlands Egyptologists Meeting 2005. – PalArch, proceedings 1, 3.

-. 2006. The PalArch Foundation: new way of publishing in Egyptology. In: Goyon, J.-C. & C. Cardin. Eds. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists. – Leuven, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 150: 1881-1883.


-., E.N.A. Heirbaut, B.L. Beatty & M.H. Kriek. Eds. 2006. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 3, 1 (January 2006). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

-. & S.M. van Roode. 2004. a unique and ambitious project. – SVP News Bulletin, Spring Volume: 41, 61-62.

-. & S.M. van Roode. 2004. Stichting PalArch en haar werkzaamheden op het gebied van vertebraten paleontologie. – Nieuwsbrief, Paleobiologische Kring.

-. & S.M. van Roode. 2003. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter (1, 21 June 2003) .

-. & S.M. van Roode. 2003. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter (2, 15 November 2003) .

-. & S.M. van Roode. 2003. Een nieuw internationaal wetenschappelijk tijdschrift van Nederlandse bodem. – Cranium 20, 2: 46-48.

-., B.L. Beatty & M.H. Kriek. Eds. 2005. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 2, 4 (October 2005). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

-., B.L. Beatty & M.H. Kriek. Eds. 2005. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 2, 3 (July 2005). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

-., B.L. Beatty & A.M. Hense. Eds. 2005. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 2, 2 (April 2005). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

-., B.L. Beatty & A.M. Hense. Eds. 2005. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 2, 1 (January 2005). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

-., S.M. van Roode & B.L. Beatty. (Poster) or: how to make money for your research!

-., S.M. van Roode & A.M. Hense. Eds. 2004. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 1, 3 (October 2004). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

-., S.M. van Roode & A.M. Hense. Eds. 2004. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 1, 2 (July 2004). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

-., S.M. van Roode & A.M. Hense. Eds. 2004. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 1, 1 (April 2004). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

-., S.M. van Roode & M. Signore. 2004. The PalArch Foundation; new ways of publishing in palaeontology. – Book of abstracts SVPCA/SPPC meeting Leicester 2004.

-., S.M. van Roode & M. Signore. 2004. (Poster) The PalArch Foundation; new ways of publishing in palaeontology. SVPCA 2004, Leicester.

-., M. Signore & H.J.M. Meijer. 2004. (Poster) Two Pteranodontid humeri from the Cambridge Greensands; a reinterpretation. SVPCA 2004, Leicester.

Nieuwland, I.J.J., -., N. den Ouden, B.L. Beatty, E.N.A. Heirbaut & H.J.M. Meijer. Eds. 2008. Palarch Foundation’s Newsletter 5, 2 (July 2008). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

Nieuwland, I.J.J., -., N. den Ouden, B.L. Beatty, E.N.A. Heirbaut, H.J.M. Meijer & M.H. Kriek. Eds. 2008. Palarch Foundation’s Newsletter 5, 1 (January 2008). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

Nieuwland, I.J.J., -., N. den Ouden, B.L. Beatty, E.N.A. Heirbaut, H.J.M. Meijer & M.H. Kriek. Eds. 2007. Palarch Foundation’s Newsletter 4, 3 (October 2007). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

Nieuwland, I.J.J., -., E.N.A. Heirbaut, H.J.M. Meijer, N. den Ouden, B.L. Beatty & M.H. Kriek. Eds. 2007. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 4, 2 (April 2007). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

Nieuwland, I.J.J., -., E.N.A. Heirbaut, H.J.M. Meijer, N. den Ouden, B.L. Beatty & M.H. Kriek. Eds. 2007. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 4, 1 (January 2007). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

Nieuwland, I.J.J., -., E.N.A. Heirbaut, H.J.M. Meijer, N. den Ouden, B.L. Beatty & M.H. Kriek. Eds. 2006. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 3, 4 (October 2006). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

Nieuwland, I.J.J., -., H.J.M. Meijer, B.L. Beatty & M.H. Kriek. Eds. 2006. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 3, 3 (July 2006). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

Nieuwland, I.J.J., -., H.J.M. Meijer, B.L. Beatty & M.H. Kriek. Eds. 2006. PalArch Foundation’s Newsletter 3, 2 (April 2006). – Amsterdam, PalArch.

Roode, van, S.M. & -. 2004. The PalArch Foundation; new ways of publishing in Egyptology. In: IXe Congres International de Egyptologues Grenoble, September 2004. Abstracts of papers: 120-121.

Roode, van, S.M. & -. 2004. (Poster) The PalArch Foundation; new ways of publishing in Egyptology. IXe Congres International de Egyptologues Grenoble, September 2004/CRE VI Cambridge.

*Roode, van, S.M. & -. Eds. 2003. The PalArch Foundation’s proceedings of the Annual Flemish-Netherlands Egyptologists Meeting 2003. – PalArch, proceedings 1, 1.

Roode, van, S.M. & -. 2003. Publishing without difficulties. In: Amenta, A, M. Luiselli & M. Novella Sordi. 2003. First International Conference for Young Egyptologists L’acqua nell’antico egitto: vita, rigenerazione, incantesimo, medicamento. – Chianciano di Terme, Italy: 78-80.

Roode, van, S.M. & -. 2003. Webbased Tijdschrift: – Nieuwsbrief van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 20: 32-34.

Roode, van, S.M. & -. 2003. An invitation for illustrators to tell their story. – Newsletter of the association of archaeological illustrators and surveyors, winter 2003: 3.

Roode, van, S.M. & -. 2003.; een uniek en ambitieus project in de Nederlandse archeologie. – Profiel.

Roode, van, S.M. & -. 2003. (Poster) Publishing without difficulties. First International Conference for Young Egyptologists L’acqua nell’antico egitto: vita, rigenerazione, incantesimo, medicamento.

*Board of the PalArch Foundation 2008. The PalArch Foundation: four years of electronic publishing in Egyptology. In: Kousoulis, P. 2008. Abstracts of papers Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists, Rhodes 22-29 May 2008: 260.